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It may seem obvious, but many of the food items you love can wreak havoc if ingested by your dogs. One of the most common calls we get is address a dog that has eaten something they shouldn’t have. Depending on the size of the dog, what was ingested, and how long it’s been, the results can range from an upset stomach to a near-death experience. Avoid the stress and heartbreak by keeping human food away from your pets. In this two-part installment, we will look at five foods that dogs should never, under any circumstance, eat. Here are the first two:

If you are like most people, chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It is delicious, versatile, and can turn even the most stubborn frown upside down. But for our furry little canine friends, it can be deadly. Even a small amount of chocolate can have serious consequences if it is ingested by your dog.

Onions are delicious, and if you cook at home very often chances are good that you will always have onions on hand. That is why it is very important to know that onions are extremely toxic for your dogs. Both raw and cooked, they will lead to red blood cell damage, lethargia, shortness of breath, and more.

If your dog has ingested chocolate or onions, time is of the essence. Our mobile vet in Los Angeles can come to you for the quickest possible treatment. Stay tuned for part two, where we will look at three more foods to keep away from your dogs.


You love your pet and will go to great lengths to make sure they’re happy and healthy. Annual check-ups with a vet are important for long-term health for your cat or dog, but getting your pet to the vet can sometimes be a struggle.  Thankfully, there’s another way. With mobile vet service in Los Angeles, you get to skip the hassle and take great care for your pet the easy way. Here are some reasons why mobile vet services will make your life easier.


Avoid loading your pet in the car and driving across town to see the vet. Mobile vet services offer you the convenience of seeing a vet in the comfort of your own home. Save yourself time and hassle by having a vet come to you.

Comfort For Your Pet

Some pets love a car ride while it produces anxiety and fear in others. Not to mention, taking them into a clinic with bright lights and other loud pets. It’s sure to cause discomfort in most pets.

When a vet comes to your home, they’re seen in an environment that’s comfortable and familiar. When your pet experiences less anxiety and discomfort, so will you.


Annual wellness check-ups for your cat or dog have never been so easy. Your mobile vet will bring everything they need to perform wellness checks, exams, vaccines, blood tests, or regular maintenance services. You’ll be amazed at the professional service delivered right in your home. With annual check-ups and care, your pet will be happy and healthy!

Don’t wait. Schedule an appointment for mobile vet service in Los Angeles for your cat or dog. We offer the best in-home veterinary care for your pet while answering all your questions. You’ll love the convenience and personalized service you receive.


Pets, like people, can be protected from diseases by vaccination from your mobile vet in Los Angeles. Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses in pets and prepare them to fight future infections from disease-causing agents. Vaccines can lessen the severity of future diseases and certain vaccines can prevent infection altogether. Today, a variety of vaccines are available for use by veterinarians. Some vaccines are administered via injections using a syringe and needle, and others are administered into the animal’s nose or directly into the skin.

Is it important to vaccinate?

Yes! Pets should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases. Experts agree that widespread use of vaccines within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. If an unvaccinated pet develops one of these diseases, treatment can become very expensive and many of these diseases can be fatal despite treatment. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended because these serious disease agents continue to be present in the environment.

It is also important to remember that pets can be vaccinated for diseases that can spread from animals to people. For example, rabies is a serious, often fatal, disease that spreads from infected animals to people. By vaccinating your pets for rabies, you are protecting your family as well as your pet.

Does vaccination ensure protection?

For most pets, vaccination is effective in preventing future disease. Occasionally, a vaccinated pet may not develop adequate immunity and, although rare, it is possible to provide optimal protection against disease for the first few months of life. It is important to remember that although breakdowns in protection do occur, most appropriately vaccinated pets are able to successfully fight off disease confirming the importance of vaccines in your pet’s preventative health care program.

What are the risks?

Any treatment carries some risk, but these risks should be weighed against the benefits of protecting your pet from potentially fatal diseases. Most pets respond well to vaccines. The most common adverse responses are mild and short-term, including fever, sluggishness, and reduced appetite. Pets may also experience temporary pain or subtle swelling at the site of vaccination. Although most adverse reactions will resolve in a day or two, any excessive continued pain or swelling should be discussed with our mobile vet.

Rarely, more serious adverse reactions can occur. Allergic reactions appear within minutes or hours of a vaccination and may include repeated vomiting or diarrhea, whole body itching, swelling of the face or legs, difficulty breathing or collapse. Contact us immediately if any of these symptoms are seen. Our veterinarian comes to you in case of such emergency.

Many factors are taken into consideration when establishing a pet’s vaccination plan. Your mobile vet in Los Angeles will tailor a program of vaccinations and patient health care that will help your pet maintain a lifetime of protection. We make it easier than ever to keep your pet happy and healthy by vaccinating them right in the comfort of your home. Call us for your appointment!


911VetTouchIconBringing your dog on your holiday vacation with you just adds to the fun and alleviates the worry of not knowing what is happening with your dog while you are on the road. It is important to do your homework on dog travel. Planes and cars are not designed with dogs in mind and you need to know what to expect when you reach your final destination. By planning your dog travel ahead of time, you can make your vacation a truly relaxing time for you and your dog. Here are the best dog travel tips from your mobile vet in Los Angeles:

Crating Your Dog For Travel

It is natural to feel bad about crating your dog. After all, you most likely wouldn’t want to be crated but don’t project your feelings onto your dog. They actually don’t mind the crate and some even feel safer in one.

  • The most important thing you can do is make sure your dog has been well exercised before he/she goes in the crate. If they have burned off excess energy, they will be more inclined to rest.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the crate that can harm your dog. Leashes and loose collars are especially dangerous items that could present a strangling hazard.
  • Keep your energy positive. Don’t present the crate like it is a prison. Show the dog the crate and open the door. Don’t shove the dog in the crate. Let them go in on their own and only when they are comfortable should you close the door. Walk away with good energy and positive body language.
  • Come back in fifteen minutes. This will work to ease the dog’s separation anxiety next time you crate them but don’t take them out of the crate. Just open the door and let them come out when they are ready.

Driving With Your Dog

It’s usually a good idea to crate your dog when riding in the car. You’ll be less distracted while driving which is safer for both of you. It also prevents your dog from becoming a projectile if you have to stop fast, also reducing the chance of injury for both of you. To prevent motion sickness, don’t feed your dog a lot before the trip.

Taking Your Dog On An Airplane

The first thing you need to do is check with the airline for their rules regarding pet travel. Many require a health certificate and may have other rules you haven’t thought of. You don’t want to be surprised at the airport! Your dog will almost certainly be traveling in a crate and it will probably make everyone’s lives easier if you crate your dog before you enter the chaos of the airport. If your dog isn’t flying with you in the main cabin, do not have a big goodbye scene because it will only upset your dog.

Traveling with a dog can be a fun experience for both of you. Just remember to be prepared as possible wherever you go. Don’t forget to make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and above all, of course, be calm. A balanced dog makes the best travel companion.



There are so many dangerous foods that can affect your pet’s health and well-being, and your mobile vet in Los Angeles wants to help keep them safe. Especially during the holiday seasons, there are many popular human foods that our pets may encounter, some of which can be dangerous for them, and it is extremely important to know the difference. Some popular foods that can harm or kill your pet include:

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Onions
  • Poultry bones
  • Raising
  • Xylitol found in sugar free candy


During the holiday season, it’s important to talk with your house guests to make sure that no one gives your pet treats without your consent. This is the best way to ensure that your pet doesn’t eat anything without your knowledge. It is also important to keep an eye on fallen scraps that your pet could pick up and eat without warning. We recommend keeping your pet in a separate room during holiday parties to avoid this concern. Remember, if your pet does consume food that is dangerous for them, we are a phone call away and will come to you for convenience and peace of mind. You and your pet deserve to safely enjoy all the holidays have to offer and 911 Vets wants to make sure that happens. We also come to you for routine check ups, diagnostics, ultrasound, treatments, hospice care, as well as gentle home euthanasia and aftercare.


The holidays are a festive time for us and pets. However, due to ongoing activities and constant distractions, we can easily overlook potential dangers to our four-legged family members. Take preventative measures to protect your pets this holiday season. Being aware of these top five dangers could save a trip for your mobile vet in Los Angeles.

  • Holiday Tinsel and Ornaments – Tinsel, while not toxic, is very attractive to pets, particularly cats. The shiny, dangling decoration reflects light and can move in the slightest draft. The problem with tinsel is that once it is consumed, it can cause serious injury to your pet. If not caught in time, this foreign body ingestion could actually be fatal as it twists and bunches inside your pet’s intestines. Immediate veterinary care is required.
  • Holiday Lighting and Candles – Twinkling, shiny and dangling holiday lights such as icicle netting, garland, curtains, rope and candles may be another source of danger to your curious pets. Got a pet that likes to chew? Electrical shock may occur when a pet bites down on an electrical cord, causing tongue lacerations and possible death. Check your holiday lights for signs of fraying or chewing and use a grounded three prong extension cord as a safety precaution. If you have candles on display, place them in a hard to reach spot so that your pets cannot get to them.
  • Gift Wrap Ribbon – You may be tempted to fashion your pet with a decorative ribbon collar but be aware that this could become a choking hazard. Also, quickly discard ribbons and bows wrapped around holiday gifts so that your curious companions won’t be enticed to chew or swallow them. Ingested ribbon can be a choking hazard and twist throughout the intestines and could lead to death.
  • Food Hazards – Festive events often mean edible treats, and lots of them. Unfortunately, some of the most popular holiday goodies, such as chocolate, bones and nuts, can be extremely toxic or fatal to pets
  • Different types of chocolate contain various levels of fat, caffeine and other substances. In general, the darker the chocolate and richer the chocolate, the higher the risk of toxicity.
  • Fat Trimmings and bones are dangerous for dogs. Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, may cause pancreatitis.
  • Certain nuts should not be given to pets because they can cause an upset stomach or an obstruction.
  • Toxic Holiday Plants – They may be very pretty, but some holiday plants are poisonous,   even deadly. As little as a single leaf from any lily variety is lethal to cats.


Taking precautions with pets during these festive times can help ensure that you and your family will enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season. Happy Holiday from 911 vets! Have a wonderful time with friends and family.


Living in the beautiful state of California, we are lucky enough to have beaches to enjoy with friends, family, and our dogs. For most people, their dog is another member of the family so you need to make sure that they are prepared to avoid needing a mobile vet in Los Angeles. Here are five things you must know to keep your dog safe at the beach:

  1. Make sure your dog can swim. We assume that all dogs can swim when the truth is, they can’t. Not every dog knows how to swim instinctively and some breeds are unable to.
  2. Lifejackets are a dog’s best friend! Fatigue, heavy waves, riptides, and other dangers can cause your dog to go under. Dog life jackets come in sizes for all breeds. Make sure it has a handle on the dog’s back so you can easily remove them from the water.
  3. Drinking ocean water. Dogs generally know not to drink the water, but take extra care to make sure they don’t to avoid sickness.
  4. Sea creatures. The ocean is a beautiful thing full of amazing creatures. However, some of these creatures can be harmful to humans and dogs. Keep an eye out for jellyfish, coral, and sharp shells that can cut their feet.
  5. Pay close attention to their body signals. Dogs cannot tell when they are getting tired, and if they could stay in the water forever, they would. Give them plenty of rest breaks.

Most dogs love the water, especially on hot days, and spending time with their beloved owner is a great way to spend the day. Make sure your dog is safe so you will both have fun.


Now that the summer months have left us for another year, it is important to remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe to leave your dog in your car. It only takes minutes for a pet left in a vehicle on a warm day to fall victim to heat stroke, requiring a visit from your mobile vet in Los Angeles. The worst case scenario is suffocation. Most people don’t realize how hot it can in a parked car on a balmy day. However, on a 78 degree day, temperatures in a car parked in the shade can exceed 90 degrees and hit around 160 degrees if parked in the sun! Rolling down a window or parking in the shade doesn’t guarantee protection either, since temperatures can still climb into the “danger zone.” Not to mention if the window is rolled down too far, your dog could escape.

Animals are not able to sweat like humans do. Dogs cool themselves by panting and sweating through their paws. If they have only hot air to breathe, animals can collapse, suffer brain damage, and possibly die. Fifteen minutes is all it takes for an animal’s body temperature to climb from a normal 102.5 to deadly levels that will damage the nervous and cardiovascular systems, leaving the animal comatose, dehydrated, and at risk of permanent impairment. Although it may seem like a harmless outing for you and your pooch to enjoy time together, it could turn tragic in an instant. If you cannot take your pet everywhere you are going, it is best to leave them safely at home.


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