A pet is a loyal companion, a being that you can count on to be at your side, no matter where you go. Growing up with a pet is a wonderful experience, but having to say goodbye when they come to the end of their life is never easy. At 911 Vets® Home Pet Medical™, we understand the difficult decision that has to be made when your pet is sick or suffering. When discussing where to turn to for dog euthanasia in Los Angeles, you can trust your pet to our doctors and veterinary technicians.
We understand that it is not always possible to load your ill pet into a vehicle and bring them to our clinic. That’s where the “Home” in “Home Pet Medical” means the most – we can come to you, providing you with kind and compassionate care in your house. This means you don’t have to try to move or transport your pet, thereby adding to their pain or suffering. They’ll remain at ease, surrounded by familiar sights and smells, and not be stressed by the strange faces and environment of a vet clinic.
Once the decision has been to made to let your pet pass, our doctors will administer the proper amount of sedative followed by a barbiturate, letting your dog peacefully leave the pain and suffering behind. We will do everything we can to make this emotional time as bearable as possible, and can also provide aftercare options for you and your family. It’s never easy to let go of a beloved pet, and with our dog euthanasia services in Los Angeles, we want to help you remember everything that was good and perfect about your pet.