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Dental health is something that is extremely important for humans. We teach our kids from a very young age to care for their teeth. The same care should be given to our canine companions. If not, they are at risk for developing a variety of oral health problems. Here are a few common ones:

Broken teeth
Dogs are gifted with very strong teeth, but that doesn’t mean that they are indestructible. Dogs will often break their teeth by trying to chew on objects that are too hard for them. A broken tooth can be very painful, even if your dog doesn’t show any outward signs of it. Dogs have a high pain tolerance, so it is up to us to be cognizant of the warning signs that something is wrong.

Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is the most common oral health problem that a dog will run into in their life. It can lead to chronic pain, tooth loss, bone loss, and more. Periodontal disease has a wide variety of symptoms, none of which are very pleasant. Some common signs of periodontal disease are bleeding gums, bad breath, and problems picking up food. It is best to catch it early or to avoid it completely. Luckily, with preventative care, this is very easy to do by developing a good oral health care routine for your pets.

In our next blog, we will take a look at some things that you can do on a regular basis to help your pet maintain optimal oral health throughout their life. If you need in-home mobile vet in Los Angeles, we are only a phone call away. Call us today for door-to-door veterinary service.


In our last blog, we went over two foods that many people keep around the house that are dangerous for feline consumption: bread dough and macadamia nuts. If you haven’t already read it, do so now. In this installment, we look at a few more:

Foods containing caffeine are toxic for our feline companions. This includes chocolate, coffee, tea, and much more. Consumption can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heart problems. It only takes a small dose to cause death: less than one ounce per pound of body weight.

Meat scraps
Cats are carnivores, there is no denying that. Despite this, they should not be fed meat scraps from your table. The fat can cause your cat serious problems, including pancreatitis.

Chocolate, onions, grapes, sugar-free candy, dairy
We already touched on these foods extensively in our series about foods that are toxic to dogs. But, they are also very harmful and dangerous for cats as well, so we had to include them. Please take the time to read through part one and part two of our last series to get a better understanding on why these foods are harmful for pets.

Your cat is a part of the family, but that doesn’t mean they should eat all of the same things you do! There are many foods that your cat can enjoy that are safe for consumption. Make sure to thoroughly research anything before feeding it to your pet. Call us today if you need a mobile vet in Los Angeles.


Last time, we talked about two of the most dangerous foods for your dog: chocolate and onions. In this blog, we will look at three more dangerous food items. Here they are:

Many fruits and vegetables are perfectly safe for canine consumption. Grapes, however, are not. Even a small amount can be fatal. Grapes (and raisins too) can cause severe and sudden kidney failure in dogs. It is important to contact a vet as soon as you realize that your dog has eaten any grapes or raisins.

Sugar-free candy
Your dog should not eat any form of candy, but sugar-free gums and mints that contain xylitol are especially harmful. It can lead to liver failure, low blood sugar, and death. The biggest risk for xylitol consumption is usually if your dog gets into a pack of gum that is around the house and easy to access.

Finally, be sure to avoid letting your dog consume any dairy. Cheese, yogurt, milk, and ice cream are some of the most common dairy items your dog could ingest. The problem is, most dogs are lactose intolerant. Consuming these items will likely give your dog an upset stomach, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, gas, and pain.

The wrong foods can be extremely hazardous for your dog. Luckily, there are countless options for feeding your dog safe, healthy, foods. If your dog has accidentally ingested a harmful food, our mobile vet in Los Angeles can help. Call us 24/7 for emergency service at your doorstep.


It may seem obvious, but many of the food items you love can wreak havoc if ingested by your dogs. One of the most common calls we get is address a dog that has eaten something they shouldn’t have. Depending on the size of the dog, what was ingested, and how long it’s been, the results can range from an upset stomach to a near-death experience. Avoid the stress and heartbreak by keeping human food away from your pets. In this two-part installment, we will look at five foods that dogs should never, under any circumstance, eat. Here are the first two:

If you are like most people, chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It is delicious, versatile, and can turn even the most stubborn frown upside down. But for our furry little canine friends, it can be deadly. Even a small amount of chocolate can have serious consequences if it is ingested by your dog.

Onions are delicious, and if you cook at home very often chances are good that you will always have onions on hand. That is why it is very important to know that onions are extremely toxic for your dogs. Both raw and cooked, they will lead to red blood cell damage, lethargia, shortness of breath, and more.

If your dog has ingested chocolate or onions, time is of the essence. Our mobile vet in Los Angeles can come to you for the quickest possible treatment. Stay tuned for part two, where we will look at three more foods to keep away from your dogs.


Pets, like people, can be protected from diseases by vaccination from your mobile vet in Los Angeles. Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses in pets and prepare them to fight future infections from disease-causing agents. Vaccines can lessen the severity of future diseases and certain vaccines can prevent infection altogether. Today, a variety of vaccines are available for use by veterinarians. Some vaccines are administered via injections using a syringe and needle, and others are administered into the animal’s nose or directly into the skin.

Is it important to vaccinate?

Yes! Pets should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases. Experts agree that widespread use of vaccines within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. If an unvaccinated pet develops one of these diseases, treatment can become very expensive and many of these diseases can be fatal despite treatment. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended because these serious disease agents continue to be present in the environment.

It is also important to remember that pets can be vaccinated for diseases that can spread from animals to people. For example, rabies is a serious, often fatal, disease that spreads from infected animals to people. By vaccinating your pets for rabies, you are protecting your family as well as your pet.

Does vaccination ensure protection?

For most pets, vaccination is effective in preventing future disease. Occasionally, a vaccinated pet may not develop adequate immunity and, although rare, it is possible to provide optimal protection against disease for the first few months of life. It is important to remember that although breakdowns in protection do occur, most appropriately vaccinated pets are able to successfully fight off disease confirming the importance of vaccines in your pet’s preventative health care program.

What are the risks?

Any treatment carries some risk, but these risks should be weighed against the benefits of protecting your pet from potentially fatal diseases. Most pets respond well to vaccines. The most common adverse responses are mild and short-term, including fever, sluggishness, and reduced appetite. Pets may also experience temporary pain or subtle swelling at the site of vaccination. Although most adverse reactions will resolve in a day or two, any excessive continued pain or swelling should be discussed with our mobile vet.

Rarely, more serious adverse reactions can occur. Allergic reactions appear within minutes or hours of a vaccination and may include repeated vomiting or diarrhea, whole body itching, swelling of the face or legs, difficulty breathing or collapse. Contact us immediately if any of these symptoms are seen. Our veterinarian comes to you in case of such emergency.

Many factors are taken into consideration when establishing a pet’s vaccination plan. Your mobile vet in Los Angeles will tailor a program of vaccinations and patient health care that will help your pet maintain a lifetime of protection. We make it easier than ever to keep your pet happy and healthy by vaccinating them right in the comfort of your home. Call us for your appointment!


An apple a day may not actually keep the doctor away, but what about an animal a day? in fact, when it comes to pet ownership, there are a number of proven health benefits for people, including physical, mental and emotional improvements, from enhancing social skills to decreasing a person’s risk of heart attack. Here are 5 reasons why opening your home to a furry friend is just what the mobile vet in Los Angeles ordered.

  • Studies have shown that having a pet in the home can actually lower a child’s likelihood of developing allergies as much as 33 percent. In fact, research shows that children exposed early on to animals tend to develop stronger immune systems overall.
  • One of the benefits of taking on the responsibility of pet ownership is that animals can be an instant icebreaker whether they are with you or you are just using them as a topic of conversation. People sometimes have a hard time getting to know each other, so pets can be a common denominator.
  • Pet owners exhibit decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. All of which minimize the risk of a heart attack down the road. For those who have already experienced a heart attack, research also indicates that patients with a dog or a cat tend to have better recovery rates.
  • Dogs can act as motivation in the exercise department. Most of them need to be walked several times a day. Dog owners responsible for walking their pups are less likely to be obese than dog owners who pass the duty off to someone else.
  • Not only are pets known for unconditional love, but they may also give their owners a sense of purpose which can be crucial for those battling depression.

With so many reasons to bring a pet into your life the main reason is to give a pet a forever home!



Pets are not accessories that can be thrown aside and forgotten. They are companions that need love, care, mobile vet care in Los Angeles, and devotion. Here is a list of important rules all pet owners must live by:

Pick a pet that fits your lifestyle

The decision to become a pet owner should come after extensive research and planning, not as an impulsive purchase. Just because you think something is cute, does not mean it will be the perfect fit for you.

Make them part of the family

Pets, especially dogs, need companionship. They are traditionally pack creatures and need the warmth and love that comes with living indoors with their family.

Pet proof your house

To keep your pet healthy, you should research what household products and foods can harm your pet. Make sure these are kept in secure locations so your pet cannot get into them.

Care for your pet

Regular visits to the vet and groomer are absolutely necessary. Insuring your pet may also be important to your pet’s health. Emergencies can happen at anytime. Ensure they get the help they need no matter what cost with pet insurance.

Spay and neuter your pet

Studies have shown that pets that are spayed and neutered live healthier, longer lives and are less likely to develop behavioral problems.

Always keep an ID tag on your pet

Consider getting your pet microchipped will also help identify them if lost or stolen. This is the best form of ID since veterinarians and local shelters scan for a chip first thing.

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