With Thanksgiving coming up this week and the holiday season about to begin, you’re most likely looking forward to spending time with friends and family. You’ll also have more time to spend with your pets, which will make them very happy. During this festive time of year, it’s important to remember how to keep your pets safe from harm. As your emergency vet in Los Angeles, 911 Vets® Home Pet Medical™ is here to help, but it’s our hope that we don’t get a call from you.
With family and guests frequenting your house during this time of year, it’s essential that everyone knows what your pet can and cannot eat. If grandpa likes to sneak bits of turkey to your dog, it might be best to keep your pooch out of the dining room during dinner. With all the sweets and cookies that are made during the holidays, you should always keep a vigilant eye on chocolates and candies, making sure your dog doesn’t find his way into the goodies. Everyone may know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but you don’t want to find out how much it takes to make your pet really sick.
If a situation does arise this year, your emergency vet in Los Angeles is standing by, and when you need us, we’ll be there. When you call, we’ll gather the required information and medical history of your pet, and then dispatch a veterinary team to your home. We want to see everyone – including your pets – enjoy the holidays, so please don’t hesitate to call when an emergency occurs.