As pet owners, we never like saying goodbye to our furry family members, but we all know that a day will come when they’re no longer with us. That doesn’t detract from the special times and memories that we share with them throughout our lives together – it just makes us cherish them all the more. If you have an elderly pet or a pet that’s suffering, call 911 Vets® Home Pet Medical™ and we’ll help you decide on the best course of action regarding your pet. Our gentle, in-home pet euthanasia in Los Angeles can help make this tough time easier on you and your family.
Our complete services are designed to meet all your needs. After discussing the situation with our dispatcher, our team will arrive promptly at your home. After the decision has been made to let your pet pass peacefully, we’ll give you as much time as you need with your animal. We’ll then administer a sedative, so that your pet no longer feels any pain, followed by a barbiturate that allows your pet to leave this world and its pain and suffering behind. If you feel up to it, we’ll discuss any aftercare or memorial options with you.
By offering in-home pet euthanasia in Los Angeles, you and your pet can be surrounded by the people, sights, and smells that you both know and love. There’s no worry about a pet passing away in the car on the way to the vet clinic, or having to transport a large pet that’s in too much pain to move. Instead, you can both share your last moments together in peace and comfort.