As a valued member of your family, you care about your cat’s health and wellbeing, meaning you don’t want to see him or her get sick or hurt. Unfortunately, getting sick happens every so often. 911 Vets offers 24-hour care, so whether it’s an emergency or you just need a routine check-up, we are available at any hour of the day. 911 Vets also offers the convenience of our mobile vet clinic. Instead of driving to the vet, the vet drives to you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, or visit our website to learn more about the services we offer.
In part one of this multi-part series, we covered a few diseases that are commonly found in cats. It’s important to know what diseases your feline friend may be susceptible to, so in today’s blog, we will continue to discuss a few more common cat diseases. If you notice your kitty showing any of the symptoms mentioned in this blog, be sure to contact 911 Vets right away.
Heartworm is more commonly seen in dogs, however, cats are still at risk, especially if your home is located in an area with a large population of mosquitos. Because cats are not biologically natural hosts for the heartworm parasite, it is unlikely that the heartworm will complete an entire life cycle, or even make it to the heart. Unfortunately, those parasites that do manage to live can cause serious health issues for your kitty. Symptoms of heartworm disease include:
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Persistent cough
- Depression
- Difficulty breathing
- Weight loss
- Sporadic vomiting
- Sudden death
Outdoor cats are at higher risk for being bitten by an infected mosquito, however, indoor cats are also at risk for being bitten by mosquitos that find their way into you home. If you live in an area with a dense mosquito population, there are methods you can take to prevent your cat being infected. Contact 911 Vets today to learn more about our heartworm treatment.
Feline Leukemia Virus (FelV)
FelV was discovered in 1960s and is a transmittable retrovirus that can cause serious damage to a cat’s immune system. Unfortunately, FelV is easily passed from cat to cat through bodily fluids such as saliva, urine, feces, blood, and nasal secretions. It’s important that every cat is tested before entering a new household. Common symptoms for FelV include the following:
- Fever
- Seizures
- Changes in behavior
- Loss of appetite and weight loss
- Lethargy
- Respiratory distress
- Pale or inflamed gums
- Poor coat condition
- More
These are just a few symptoms of FelV. If you are concerned that your kitty might be suffering from FelV, contact one the vets at 911 Vets. Luckily, if your cat is up-to-date on all of his or her shots, he or she will already have the feline leukemia vaccine, making it highly unlikely for your feline to contract the disease.
Contrary to popular belief, ringworm is caused by a fungus that infects hair, skin, and nails. Ringworm is transferred from cat to cat both directly and indirectly through shared bedding, dishes, and more. Infectious spores can remain in your home for more than a year and have the potential to affect not only the other animals living in your house, but they can also affect you as well. Your cat may be infected with ringworm if he or she is exhibiting the following symptoms.
- Flaky, bald patches that exhibit redness
- Skin lesions on the ears, forelimbs, and ears
- Red areas or excessive dandruff
In some cases, your cat may carry the infectious ringworm spores but not show the symptoms. It’s important to have your vet thoroughly check your cat if you suspect he or she has ringworm, especially since the infection can spread to both you and your other pets.
911 Vets
911 Vets care for the wellbeing of your pets as though they were their own. Whether you are in need of emergency treatment, or you suspect your animal is sick, contact 911 Vets. We can even bring all the services offered by a traditional vet’s office right to you home with our mobile vet clinic. Schedule an appointment with 911 Vets today!